Karbon and Metrics API: A Practical Guide

Nutanix.dev - Karbon and Metrics API A Practical Guide

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This feature is now directly available in recent NKE (Karbon) versions with the built-in Monitoring Prometheus stack.


At Nutanix, we continue to see new and current customers take advantage of Karbon to rapidly configure and deploy Kubernetes clusters as they progress in their cloud native journeys.

Karbon, an integrated component of Nutanix AOS, is a solution that enables IT operators to deliver and manage end-to-end, production-ready Kubernetes environments with push-button simplicity, all while preserving a native user experience.

In Kubernetes, resource usage metrics, such as container CPU and memory usage, are made available through the Metrics API. These metrics can be accessed either directly by the user with the kubectl top command, or utilized by a controller in the cluster, for example the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler or Vertical Pod Autoscaler, to make decisions. 

There is no built-in choice inside Kubernetes to collect and expose these metrics. In many kubernetes installations this task is assigned to the metrics-server component. This component collects resource metrics from Kubelets and exposes them in Kubernetes apiserver through the Metrics API.

But there are alternatives, some of which are much more powerful. In this article we will see how to install the Prometheus Adapter to expose this famous Metrics API. This project is an implementation of the Kubernetes resource metricscustom metrics, and external metrics APIs. This adapter is therefore suitable for use with the autoscaling/v2 Horizontal Pod Autoscaler in Kubernetes 1.6+ and also replaces the metrics server on clusters that already run Prometheus and collect the appropriate metrics.

What we’re going to do 

This blog offers a step-by-step guide on how to activate Metrics API inside any Karbon Kubernetes cluster by leveraging the Prometheus Adapter. We’re going to 

  1. Verify prerequisites
  2. Prepare the Prometheus Adapter Helm configuration file
  3. Install the Prometheus Adapter
  4. Test the Metrics API
  5. Bonus: add an additional security layer

Verify the prerequisites

In order to follow this guide, you need a freshly deployed Karbon Kubernetes cluster. Once the cluster is deployed you’ll download the kubeconfig admin file and install it on your workstation. This can be done from the Prism graphical interface or with the excellent karbon kubectl plugin

Prism UI to download Kubeconfig
## Download and install your kubeconfig file with the karbon plugin
kubectl karbon login --cluster=new

#Verify the cluster connectivity 
kubectl get nodes
NAME                              STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
karbon-new-da1057-k8s-master-0    Ready    master   6h31m   v1.20.9
karbon-new-da1057-k8s-worker-0    Ready    node     6h27m   v1.20.9
karbon-new-da1057-k8s-worker-1    Ready    node     6h27m   v1.20.9
karbon-new-da1057-k8s-worker-2    Ready    node     6h27m   v1.20.9

Prepare the Prometheus Adapter Helm Configuration file

Create a prometheus-adapter-values.yaml file with the following content.

logLevel: 1

  url: http://prometheus-operated.ntnx-system.svc

replicas: 2

  default: true
      containerQuery: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{<<.LabelMatchers>>, container!=""}[5m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>)
      nodeQuery: sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{<<.LabelMatchers>>, id='/'}[5m])) by (<<.GroupBy>>)
            resource: node
            resource: namespace
            resource: pod
      containerLabel: container
      containerQuery: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{<<.LabelMatchers>>, container!=""}) by (<<.GroupBy>>)
      nodeQuery: sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{<<.LabelMatchers>>,id='/'}) by (<<.GroupBy>>)
            resource: node
            resource: namespace
            resource: pod
      containerLabel: container
    window: 5m

Install Prometheus Adapter

An easy way to install the Prometheus Adapter is to use the provided helm chart. You just need to run the following Helm command.

helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts --force-update
helm repo update
helm install -n prometheus-adapter karbon prometheus-community/prometheus-adapter --create-namespace -f prometheus-adapter-values.yaml

If all is ok, you will have the following output

NAME: karbon
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Nov 10 17:55:07 2021
NAMESPACE: prometheus-adapter
STATUS: deployed
karbon-prometheus-adapter has been deployed.
In a few minutes you should be able to list metrics using the following command(s):

  kubectl get --raw /apis/metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1
  kubectl get --raw /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1

Test the Metrics API

First, check that the deployment is up and running.

# Verify the prometheus adapter is correctly deployed
kubectl rollout status -n prometheus-adapter deploy/karbon-prometheus-adapter

deployment "karbon-prometheus-adapter" successfully rolled out

# check that all pods are up and running in the prometheus-adapter namespace
kubectl get pods -n prometheus-adapter

NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
karbon-prometheus-adapter-8464456d75-lhfkn   1/1     Running   0          11m
karbon-prometheus-adapter-8464456d75-svlzh   1/1     Running   0          11m

Next, let’s try to interact with the Metrics API.

# Display resource (CPU/memory) usage of nodes
kubectl top node                                                                                                                                                                                                                   new2-context ⎈
NAME                              CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
karbon-new-da1057-k8s-master-0    306m         15%    2319Mi          69%
karbon-new-da1057-k8s-worker-0    565m         7%     2996Mi          40%
karbon-new-da1057-k8s-worker-1    406m         5%     2231Mi          30%
karbon-new-da1057-k8s-worker-2    789m         9%     4687Mi          63%

# Display resource (CPU/memory) usage of pods
kubectl top pods -A

NAMESPACE            NAME                                             CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
kube-system          calico-kube-controllers-7f66766f7f-6h29f         1m           14Mi
kube-system          calico-node-4zszw                                32m          51Mi
kube-system          calico-node-dx4m8                                30m          32Mi
kube-system          calico-node-fvhkp                                38m          41Mi
kube-system          calico-node-h8hww                                42m          45Mi
kube-system          calico-typha-6bfd55df7-rhkt7                     1m           22Mi
kube-system          coredns-7987f4d48b-j65vk                         6m           27Mi
kube-system          coredns-7987f4d48b-rszx7                         4m           25Mi
kube-system          kube-apiserver-karbon-new2-da1057-k8s-master-0   108m         723Mi
kube-system          kube-proxy-ds-45pfw                              0m           23Mi
kube-system          kube-proxy-ds-68hwz                              0m           20Mi
kube-system          kube-proxy-ds-btxsq                              0m           18Mi
kube-system          kube-proxy-ds-v676h                              0m           19Mi
ntnx-system          alertmanager-main-0                              1m           17Mi
ntnx-system          csi-node-ntnx-plugin-76sng                       2m           45Mi
ntnx-system          csi-node-ntnx-plugin-bkbnl                       2m           44Mi
ntnx-system          csi-node-ntnx-plugin-wnbs7                       2m           49Mi
ntnx-system          csi-provisioner-ntnx-plugin-0                    1m           83Mi
ntnx-system          elasticsearch-logging-0                          497m         2084Mi
ntnx-system          fluent-bit-7n84n                                 6m           27Mi
ntnx-system          fluent-bit-l7thg                                 7m           31Mi
ntnx-system          fluent-bit-rk462                                 9m           24Mi
ntnx-system          fluent-bit-rzq99                                 5m           31Mi
ntnx-system          kibana-logging-597985996-7k529                   12m          226Mi
ntnx-system          kube-state-metrics-68d478745c-g2vlp              1m           46Mi
ntnx-system          kubernetes-events-printer-56cd8c7798-9z9ms       0m           0Mi
ntnx-system          node-exporter-5nd4s                              0m           21Mi
ntnx-system          node-exporter-9wg88                              1m           23Mi
ntnx-system          node-exporter-9zk9q                              0m           18Mi
ntnx-system          node-exporter-fpdms                              1m           23Mi
ntnx-system          prometheus-k8s-0                                 131m         531Mi
ntnx-system          prometheus-operator-57b9d47f56-phxzw             0m           25Mi
ntnx-system          snapshot-controller-0                            0m           10Mi
prometheus-adapter   karbon-prometheus-adapter-8464456d75-6x84f       144m         179Mi
prometheus-adapter   karbon-prometheus-adapter-8464456d75-zlqpk       139m         141Mi

As expected, all is working perfectly!

Add an additional security layer

By default, the Prometheus Adapter helm chart configure the metrics apiservices to talk through TLS without verifying certificates (it utilizes a self-signed certificate). You can enforce security and certificate verification by providing your own certificate or by leveraging cert-manager to manage it automatically. We will explore this second option together.

The Prometheus Adapter helm chart has native cert-manager support, so integration is really easy. The only prerequisite is to have it installed in your Karbon cluster. This is done very simply by following the documentation.

Once cert-manager installed, you just need to add the following configuration at the end of your prometheus-adapter-values.yaml file.

  enabled: true
  caCertDuration: 43800h
  certDuration: 8760h

Then you need to modify the installation of the Prometheus Adapter with the updated configuration file.

# Update your Prometheus Adapter deployment
helm upgrade -n prometheus-adapter karbon prometheus-community/prometheus-adapter -f prometheus-adapter-values.yaml

You can follow the Test the Metrics API paragraph again to verify if all is working properly.

You can also check that all the certificates configuration procedure was done correctly with the following command.

# Check certificates existence
kubectl get -n prometheus-adapter certificates

NAME                                  READY   SECRET                                AGE
karbon-prometheus-adapter-cert        True    karbon-prometheus-adapter             3m56s
karbon-prometheus-adapter-root-cert   True    karbon-prometheus-adapter-root-cert   3m57s

# Verify metrics apiservices configuration
kubectl describe apiservices.apiregistration.k8s.io v1beta1.metrics.k8s.io

Name:         v1beta1.metrics.k8s.io
Labels:       app.kubernetes.io/component=metrics
API Version:  apiregistration.k8s.io/v1
Kind:         APIService
  Group:                   metrics.k8s.io
  Group Priority Minimum:  100
    Name:            karbon-prometheus-adapter
    Namespace:       prometheus-adapter
    Port:            443
  Version:           v1beta1
  Version Priority:  100
    Last Transition Time:  2021-11-10T17:39:41Z
    Message:               all checks passed
    Reason:                Passed
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Available
Events:                    <none>

Spec CA Bundle shows you that a certificate is configured to verify the connection.


The Prometheus Adapter allows easy implementation of Full Metrics Pipeline in an Prometheus enabled cluster like Karbon.

In this article we are only concerned with the standard Metrics API that allows access to resource metrics (CPU and memory) for pods and nodes, but the Prometheus Adapter can also exposes other advanced metrics :

  • Custom Metrics (activated by default): This API allows consumers to access arbitrary metrics which describe Kubernetes resources like pods or more generic objects.
  • External Metrics: An external metric is a metric that does not have an obvious relationship to any object in Kubernetes, such as metrics describing a hosted service with no direct correlation to a Kubernetes namespace.

Metrics API exposed by the Prometheus Adapter will also allow for configuration of built-in or external autoscaling components.

Related Resources

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