Nutanix Cluster Info Script

July 21, 2020

by Ed McAndrew

Intended Audience Level: Beginner/Intro

Code Sample Type: Complete Script

Nutanix Technologies: Prism Element, General

Minimum Product Version: AOS 5.5+

Script/Code Language: PowerShell

REST API Sample? Yes

REST API Version: v2.0

Mine Nutanix Cluster Information

Code Sample Details

This section may be empty if additional code sample details are not available.

Gather cluster information with Windows PowerShell.

	#	 	 Nutanix Cluster Info Script
	#	 	 Filename			:	  NTNX_Get_Cluster_Info.ps1
	#	 	 Script Version	:	  1.1.15
	1. Powershell 5 or above ($psversiontable.psversion.major)
	2. Windows Vista or newer.
	3. Set the appropriate variables for your environment.
	Generate 3 CSV files, 1 for cluster information, 1 for cluster resiliency and 1 for host information.
	This code is intended as a standalone example. Subject to licensing restrictions defined on, this can be downloaded, copied and/or modified in any way you see fit.

	Please be aware that all public code samples provided by Nutanix are unofficial in nature, are provided as examples only, are unsupported and will need to be heavily scrutinized and potentially modified before they can be used in a production environment. All such code samples are provided on an as-is basis, and Nutanix expressly disclaims all warranties, express or implied.

	All code samples are © Nutanix, Inc., and are provided as-is under the MIT license. (
# Set Variables Below
$my_ClusterArrayIP = @("","","") # Define all of your clusters by IPv4 address here!
[string]$my_temperract = $ErrorActionPreference # set error handling preferences
[string]$my_ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue" # set error handling preferences
[string]$my_username = "" # if all of your clusters use the same credentials, you can set your username here.
[string]$my_password = "" # if all of your clusters use the same credentials, you can set the password here.
$hashClusters = @{}
function isonline([string]$my_testcomputer) {
	write-host "|" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	write-host "Host: $($my_testcomputer) " -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
	$my_pingsuccess = $false
	try {
		$my_ping = new-object
		$my_pingtest = $my_ping.send($my_testcomputer)
	catch{ }
	write-host "[" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
	if ($my_pingtest.status.tostring() -eq "Success") {
		write-host "Online" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GREEN -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		$my_TmpString = "]"
		foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-$my_testcomputer.length-17)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
		write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
		return $true
	else {
		write-host "Offline" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		$my_TmpString = "]"
		foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-$my_testcomputer.length-18)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
		write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
		return $false
function format-size($size) {
    if ($size -gt 1tb) { [string]::format("{0:0.00} TiB", $size / 1tb) }
    elseif ($size -gt 1gb) { [string]::format("{0:0.00} GiB", $size / 1gb) }
    elseif ($size -gt 1mb) { [string]::format("{0:0.00} MB", $size / 1mb) }
    elseif ($size -gt 1kb) { [string]::format("{0:0.00} KB", $size / 1kb) }
    elseif ($size -gt 0)   { [string]::format("{0:0.00} B", $size) }
    else { "N/A" }
function mformat-string($string) {
	if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($string))) {
		return [string]$string
	return "N/A"
function collect_cluster_info($my_TargetIP) {
	## Collect Cluster Info
	$my_TmpString1 = "..Parsing Cluster Data"
	write-host "|" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString1) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
	try {
		$my_RestAPIUrl = "https://$($my_TargetIP):9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0/cluster/"
		$my_RestResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $my_RestAPIUrl -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $base64AuthInfo" } -Credential $my_Credential -ContentType "application/json"
		$my_ArrCluster = @()
		$my_TmpClusterObj = new-object psobject
		[int]$my_int = 0
		$my_RestResponse | % {
			$myClusterName = $
			$my_Cluster_Name = mformat-string($
			if (-not $my_ClusterHash.containskey($my_TargetIP)) { $my_ClusterHash.add($my_TargetIP,$my_Cluster_Name) }
			write-progress -id 2 -parentid 1 -activity " " -status "Enumerating JSON values..." -percentcomplete ($my_int / @($my_RestResponse).count * 100)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Name" -value $my_Cluster_Name
			$cluster_id = mformat-string($
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster ID" -value $cluster_id
			$cluster_uuid = mformat-string($_.uuid)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster UUID" -value $cluster_uuid
			$cluster_incarnation_id = mformat-string($_.cluster_incarnation_id)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Incarnation ID" -value $cluster_incarnation_id
			$cluster_external_ipaddress = mformat-string($_.cluster_external_ipaddress)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Virtual IP Address" -value $cluster_external_ipaddress.trim('{}')
			$cluster_external_data_services_ipaddress = mformat-string($_.cluster_external_data_services_ipaddress)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster iSCSI Data Services IP" -value $cluster_external_data_services_ipaddress.trim('{}')
			$my_Hypervisor_Types = mformat-string($_.hypervisor_types)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Hypervisor" -value $my_Hypervisor_Types.trim('{k}')
			$timezone = mformat-string($_.timezone)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Timezone" -value $timezone
			$support_verbosity_type = mformat-string($_.support_verbosity_type)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Support Verbosity" -value $support_verbosity_type
			$version = mformat-string($_.version)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster AOS Version" -value $version
			$full_version = mformat-string($_.full_version)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Full AOS Version" -value $full_version
			$my_NCC_version = mformat-string($_.ncc_version)
			$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster NCC Version" -value $my_NCC_version
			$i = 1
			foreach ($nameserver in $_.name_servers) {
				$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Name Server #$($i)" -value $nameserver.trim('{}')
			$i = 1
			foreach ($my_NTPServer in $_.ntp_servers) {
				$my_TmpClusterObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster NTP Server #$($i)" -value $my_NTPServer.trim('{}')
			$my_ArrCluster += $my_TmpClusterObj
		$my_ArrCluster | export-csv $my_File_1 -append -notypeinformation -force
		write-host " [" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		write-host "OK" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GREEN -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		$my_TmpString = "]"
		foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-29)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
		write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	catch {
		write-host " [" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		if ($_ -like '*Password*failed*') {
			write-host "Bad Password" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			$my_TmpString = "]"
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-39)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
		elseif ($_ -like '*Bad*credentials*') {
			write-host "Bad Credentials" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			$my_TmpString = "]"
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-42)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
		else {
			write-host "FAIL" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			$my_TmpString = "]"
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-31)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	write-progress -id 2 -parentid 1 -activity " " -status "Enumerating JSON values..." -complete
	## Collect Cluster Info
function collect_node_info($my_TargetIP) {
	## Collect Disk Count
	$my_TmpString1 = "..Parsing Node Data"
	write-host "|" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString1) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
	try {
		$my_RestAPIUrl = "https://$($my_TargetIP):9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0/disks/"
		$my_RestResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $my_RestAPIUrl -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $base64AuthInfo" } -Credential $my_Credential -ContentType "application/json"
		$my_DriveHash = @{}
		$my_TmpHash = @{}
		$my_TmpStorageHash = @{};$my_RestResponse.entities | get-member -membertype properties | foreach { $my_TmpStorageHash.add($,$my_RestResponse.entities.($ }
		$i = 0
		$my_TmpStorageHash['cvm_ip_address'] | % {
			$my_TmpIP = $_
			$my_NodeIPId = $my_TmpIP.split('.')[3]
			$driveType = $my_TmpStorageHash['storage_tier_name'][$i]
			if (-not $my_TmpHash.containskey($my_NodeIPId)) { $my_TmpHash.add($my_NodeIPId,$driveType) }
			else { $tmpVal = $my_TmpHash[$my_NodeIPId]; $my_TmpHash[$my_NodeIPId] += ",$($driveType)" }
		foreach ($h in $my_TmpHash.getenumerator()) { $my_HDD = 1;$my_SSD = 1; $h.value.split(",") | foreach { switch($_) { "HDD" { $my_HDD++ }; "SSD" { $my_SSD++ } } }; if (-not $my_DriveHash.containskey($ { $my_DriveHash.add($,"$($my_HDD)|$($my_SSD)") } }
		## Collect Disk Count
		$my_RestAPIUrl = "https://$($my_TargetIP):9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0/hosts/"
		$my_RestResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $my_RestAPIUrl -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $base64AuthInfo" } -Credential $my_Credential -ContentType "application/json"
		$my_ArrNode = @()
		[int]$my_int = 0
		$my_RestResponse.entities | % {
			write-progress -id 2 -parentid 1 -activity " " -status "Enumerating JSON values..." -percentcomplete ($my_int / @($my_RestResponse.entities).count * 100)
			$my_Entities = $_
			$my_TmpNodeObj = new-object psobject
			$my_Cluster_Name = mformat-string($my_ClusterHash.Item($my_TargetIP))
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Name" -value $my_Cluster_Name
			$my_Node_Name = mformat-string($
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Host Name" -value $my_Node_Name
			$my_Hypervisor_Address = mformat-string($my_Entities.hypervisor_address)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Hypervisor IP" -value $my_Hypervisor_Address.trim('{}')
			$my_Controller_Address = mformat-string($my_Entities.controller_vm_backplane_ip)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Controller VM IP" -value $my_Controller_Address.trim('{}')
			$my_IPMI_Address = mformat-string($my_Entities.ipmi_address)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IPMI IP" -value $my_IPMI_Address.trim('{}')
			$my_Node_Serial = mformat-string($my_Entities.serial)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Node Serial" -value $my_Node_Serial
			$my_Block_Serial = mformat-string($my_Entities.block_serial)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Block Serial" -value $my_Block_Serial
			$my_Block_Model = mformat-string($my_Entities.block_model_name)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Block Model" -value $my_Block_Model
			$my_TmpStorageHash=@{}; $my_Entities.usage_stats | get-member -membertype properties | foreach { if ($my_Entities.usage_stats.($ -ne '-1') { $my_TmpStorageHash.add($,$my_Entities.usage_stats.($ } else { $my_TmpStorageHash.add($,0) } }
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Storage Capacity" -value "$(format-size($my_TmpStorageHash['storage.capacity_bytes']))"
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Disks" -value "HDD: $($my_DriveHash[$my_Entities.controller_vm_backplane_ip.split('.')[3]].split('|')[0]) SSD: $($my_DriveHash[$my_Entities.controller_vm_backplane_ip.split('.')[3]].split('|')[1])"
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Memory" -value  "$(format-size($my_Entities.memory_capacity_in_bytes))"
			$my_CPU_Capacity = $_.cpu_capacity_in_hz / 1000000000; if ($my_CPU_Capacity -eq 0) { $my_CPU_Capacity = "N/A" } else { [string]$my_CPU_Capacity += " GHz" }
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CPU Capacity" -value $my_CPU_Capacity
			$my_CPU_Model = mformat-string($my_Entities.cpu_model)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CPU Model" -value $my_CPU_Model
			$my_CPU_Cores = mformat-string($my_Entities.num_cpu_cores)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "No. of CPU Cores" -value $my_CPU_Cores
			$my_CPU_Cores = mformat-string($my_Entities.num_cpu_cores)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "No. of Sockets" -value $my_Entities.num_cpu_sockets
			$my_Num_VMs = mformat-string($my_Entities.num_vms)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "No. of VMs" -value $my_Num_VMs
			$my_Oplog_Disk_Pct = mformat-string($my_Entities.oplog_disk_pct)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Oplog Disk %" -value "$($my_Oplog_Disk_Pct)%"
			$my_CPU_Cores = mformat-string($my_Entities.num_cpu_cores)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Oplog Disk Size" -value "$(format-size($my_Entities.oplog_disk_size))"
			$my_Monitored = mformat-string($my_Entities.monitored)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Monitored" -value $my_Monitored
			$my_Hypervisor_Full_Name = mformat-string($my_Entities.hypervisor_full_name)
			$my_TmpNodeObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Hypervisor" -value $my_Hypervisor_Full_Name
			$my_ArrNode += $my_TmpNodeObj
		$my_ArrNode | export-csv $my_File_3 -append -notypeinformation -force
		write-host " [" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		write-host "OK" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GREEN -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		$my_TmpString = "]"
		foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-26)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
		write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	catch {
		write-host " [" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		if ($_ -like '*Password*failed*') {
			write-host "Bad Password" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			$my_TmpString = "]"
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-36)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
		elseif ($_ -like '*Bad*credentials*') {
			write-host "Bad Credentials" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			$my_TmpString = "]"
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-39)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
		else {
			write-host "FAIL" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			$my_TmpString = "]"
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-28)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	write-progress -id 2 -parentid 1 -activity " " -status "Enumerating JSON values..." -complete
function collect_cluster_resiliency($my_TargetIP) {
	## Collect Cluster Resiliency Info
	$my_TmpString1 = "..Parsing Cluster Resiliency"
	write-host "|" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString1) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
	try {
		$my_RestAPIUrl = "https://$($my_TargetIP):9440/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0/cluster/domain_fault_tolerance_status/"
		$my_RestResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $my_RestAPIUrl -Headers @{Authorization = "Basic $base64AuthInfo" } -Credential $my_Credential -ContentType "application/json"
		$my_ArrClusterResiliency = @()
		[int]$my_int = 0
		$my_Cluster_Name = mformat-string($my_ClusterHash.Item($my_TargetIP))
		$my_RestResponse | % {
			write-progress -id 2 -parentid 1 -activity " " -status "Enumerating JSON values..." -percentcomplete ($my_int / @($my_RestResponse).count * 100)
			$my_TmpClusterResiliencyObj = new-object psobject
			$my_domain_type = $_.domain_type
			$my_TmpClusterResiliencyObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Cluster Name" -value $my_Cluster_Name
			$my_TmpClusterResiliencyObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Type" -value $my_domain_type
			[int]$my_total = 0
			if ($my_domain_type -eq "DISK") {
				$ | foreach-object { $my_total = $my_total + $_.value.number_of_failures_tolerable }
				if ($my_total -eq 5) { $my_TmpClusterResiliencyObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Resiliency" -value "Good" } else { $my_TmpClusterResiliencyObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Resiliency" -value "Bad" }
			$ | foreach-object {
				[string]$my_res_name = mformat-string($
				[string]$my_res_status = $_.value.number_of_failures_tolerable
				[string]$my_res_message = $_.value.details.message
				if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($my_res_status)) { $my_res_status = "0" }
				if ($my_res_name -eq "STATIC_CONFIGURATION") { $my_res_name = "Resiliency"; if ($my_res_status -eq "1") { $my_res_status = "Good" } else { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($my_res_message)) { $my_res_status = "Bad" } } }
				if (($my_domain_type -eq "RACKABLE_UNIT") -and ($my_res_status -eq "0")) { $my_res_status = $my_res_message }
				if (($my_domain_type -eq "RACK") -and ($my_res_status -eq "0")) { $my_res_status = $my_res_message }
				$my_TmpClusterResiliencyObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $my_res_name -value $my_res_status
			$my_ArrClusterResiliency += $my_TmpClusterResiliencyObj
		$my_ArrClusterResiliency | export-csv $my_File_2 -append -notypeinformation -force
		write-host " [" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		write-host "OK" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GREEN -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		$my_TmpString = "]"
		foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-35)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
		write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	catch {
		write-host " [" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		if ($_ -like '*Password*failed*') {
			write-host "Bad Password" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			$my_TmpString = "]"
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-45)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		elseif ($_ -like '*Bad*credentials*') {
			write-host "Bad Credentials" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			$my_TmpString = "]"
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-48)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		else {
			write-host "FAIL" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			$my_TmpString = "]"
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-37)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
		write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	write-progress -id 2 -parentid 1 -activity " " -status "Enumerating JSON values..." -complete
	## Collect Cluster Info

if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'ServerCertificateValidationCallback').Type) {
	$my_CertCallback = @"
		using System;
		using System.Net;
		using System.Net.Security;
		using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
		public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback {
			public static void Ignore() {
				if (ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback ==null) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate ( Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors )  { return true; }; }
    Add-Type $my_CertCallback
[net.servicepointmanager]::securityprotocol = [net.securityprotocoltype]::tls12
$my_ScriptPath = $myinvocation.mycommand.path # grab the full path to the scripts execution directory/location.
$my_WorkingDir = split-path $my_ScriptPath # split the execution full path from the filename to create a working directory variable.
$my_File_1 = "$($my_WorkingDir)\Nutanix_Clusters_$((get-date -uformat '%m%d%Y')).csv"
$my_File_2 = "$($my_WorkingDir)\Nutanix_Resiliency_$((get-date -uformat '%m%d%Y')).csv"
$my_File_3 = "$($my_WorkingDir)\Nutanix_Nodes_$((get-date -uformat '%m%d%Y')).csv"
[int]$my_int1 = 0
if (test-path $my_File_1) { remove-item $my_File_1 }
if (test-path $my_File_2) { remove-item $my_File_2 }
if (test-path $my_File_3) { remove-item $my_File_3 }
$my_SepLength = $my_File_2.length+10
foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength)) { $my_LineDiv += "-" }
write-host $my_LineDiv -ForeGroundColor BLACK -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
write-host "Collecting " -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor BLACK -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
write-host "NUTANI" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor BLUE -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
write-host "X" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GREEN -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
$my_TmpString = " Cluster Information"
foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-38)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -ForeGroundColor BLACK -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
write-host $my_LineDiv -ForeGroundColor BLACK -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
$my_ClusterHash = @{}
foreach ($my_Cluster in $my_ClusterArrayIP) {
	if (isonline($my_Cluster.trim())) {
		write-progress -id 1 -Activity "Collecting data" -status "Parsing REST data for $($my_Cluster)" -percentcomplete ($my_int1 / $my_ClusterArrayIP.count * 100)
		if (($my_username -eq "") -or ($my_password -eq "")) {	$my_Credentials = $host.ui.promptforcredential("Credentials for $($my_Cluster)", "Please enter your user name and password for $($my_Cluster)", "", "") }
		else {
			$pass = convertto-securestring -asplaintext $my_password -force
			$my_Credentials = new-object -typename -argumentlist $my_username,$pass
		if ($my_Credentials) {
			$my_Credential = New-Object –TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -ArgumentList $my_Credentials.username, $my_Credentials.password
			$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $my_Credentials.username,$my_Credentials.password)))
		else {
			$my_TmpString = "..No credentials!"
			write-host "|" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
			foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-19)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
			write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor RED -BackGroundColor BLACK;
			write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
write-progress -id 1 -Activity "Collecting data" -status "Done..." -complete
write-host $my_LineDiv -ForeGroundColor BLACK -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
write-host "|" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
$my_TmpString = "Done!"
foreach ($i in 0..($my_SepLength-7)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
if ((test-path $my_File_1) -or (test-path $my_File_2)) {
	write-host $my_LineDiv -ForeGroundColor BLACK -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
if (test-path $my_File_1) {
	write-host "|" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	$my_TmpString = "File 1: $($my_File_1)"
	foreach ($i in 0..(($my_SepLength-$my_TmpString.length)-2)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
	write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
	write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
if (test-path $my_File_2) {
	write-host "|" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	$my_TmpString = "File 2: $($my_File_2)"
	foreach ($i in 0..(($my_SepLength-$my_TmpString.length)-2)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
	write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
	write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
if (test-path $my_File_3) {
	write-host "|" -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
	$my_TmpString = "File 3: $($my_File_3)"
	foreach ($i in 0..(($my_SepLength-$my_TmpString.length)-2)) { $my_TmpString += -join " " }
	write-host ("{0}" -f $my_TmpString) -NoNewline -ForeGroundColor GRAY -BackGroundColor BLACK;
	write-host "|" -ForeGroundColor DARKGRAY -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
write-host $my_LineDiv -ForeGroundColor BLACK -BackGroundColor DARKGRAY;
$ErrorActionPreference = $my_temperract