Send Multiple Requests as Batch

June 18, 2020

by Chris Rasmussen

Intended Audience Level: Beginner/Intro

Code Sample Type: Snippet

Nutanix Technologies: Prism Central

Minimum Product Version: 5.15

Script/Code Language: JSON Payload

REST API Sample? Yes

REST API Version: v3

JSON payload to send multiple API requests as a single batch. This sample creates 4 virtual machines – 3 simple/shell VMs, and 1 detailed/advanced VM.

Code Sample Details

This section may be empty if additional code sample details are not available.

JSON payload to send multiple API requests as a single batch. This sample creates 4 virtual machines – 3 simple/shell VMs, and 1 detailed/advanced VM.

Request Parameters

The below parameters should be used with the sample payload.

Please note you will need to alter {{placeholder}} values to match your environment, e.g. subnet name and UUID, cluster name and UUID.

Request URL:


Request method:


Recommended Reading

In conjunction with this code sample, it is recommended to read the article titled “Batch Brewing – Multiple Requests with the Nutanix APIs“. It contains walk-through information about how to use API batch requests.


    "action_on_failure": "CONTINUE",
    "execution_order": "SEQUENTIAL",
    "api_request_list": [
            "operation": "POST",
            "path_and_params": "/api/nutanix/v3/vms",
            "body": {
                "spec": {
                    "name": "batch_create_vm_1_basic",
                    "resources": {}
                "metadata": {
                    "kind": "vm"
            "operation": "POST",
            "path_and_params": "/api/nutanix/v3/vms",
            "body": {
                "spec": {
                    "name": "batch_create_vm_2_basic",
                    "resources": {}
                "metadata": {
                    "kind": "vm"
            "operation": "POST",
            "path_and_params": "/api/nutanix/v3/vms",
            "body": {
                "spec": {
                    "name": "batch_create_vm_3_basic",
                    "resources": {}
                "metadata": {
                    "kind": "vm"
            "operation": "POST",
            "path_and_params": "/api/nutanix/v3/vms",
            "body": {
                "spec": {
                    "name": "batch_create_vm_4_detailed",
                    "resources": {
                        "power_state": "ON",
                        "num_vcpus_per_socket": 1,
                        "num_sockets": 1,
                        "memory_size_mib": 1024,
                        "disk_list": [
                                "disk_size_mib": 1024,
                                "device_properties": {
                                    "device_type": "DISK"
                                "device_properties": {
                                    "device_type": "CDROM"
                        "nic_list": [
                                "nic_type": "NORMAL_NIC",
                                "is_connected": true,
                                "ip_endpoint_list": [
                                        "ip_type": "DHCP"
                                "subnet_reference": {
                                    "kind": "subnet",
                                    "name": "{{subnet_name}}",
                                    "uuid": "{{subnet_uuid}}"
                        "guest_tools": {
                            "nutanix_guest_tools": {
                                "state": "ENABLED",
                                "iso_mount_state": "MOUNTED"
                    "cluster_reference": {
                        "kind": "cluster",
                        "name": "{{cluster_name}}",
                        "uuid": "{{cluster_uuid}}"
                "api_version": "3.1.0",
                "metadata": {
                    "kind": "vm"
    "api_version": "3.0"