Nutanix v4 API User Guide

Table of Contents


This v4 API User Guide describes how the new set of v4 APIs represents the future of Nutanix platform automation by using APIs and software development kits (SDKs).


This document is intended for new and existing Nutanix API users planning to use the Nutanix v4 REST APIs and SDKs.

Related Documentation

For information about Nutanix v4 APIs and included features, see Nutanix v4 API Introduction.

The snippets and pointers in this guide have demonstrated a number of key points.  They are intended as a starting point and prepare users to create custom scripts and apps using the Nutanix v4 APIs and SDKs.

The related resources below are recommended for readers:


The v4 APIs are completely new – Nutanix has created the v4 APIs from the ground up. Originally released in Early Access (EA) in Prism Central version pc.2022.6.

For the purposes of this user guide, Python 3 will be used as the basis for all code samples.

Nutanix APIs have grown over the past decade and now provide support for multiple endpoints, clusters, products, and operations. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive and consistent set of APIs and SDKs for operating the Nutanix Cloud Platform. The v4 API includes semantics based on open standards and delivers enhanced usability and developer experience.  Nutanix SDKs provide libraries, documentation and resources to help developers build applications and solutions on the Nutanix Platform.

Automation can take the form of a custom script or application.  In these cases, specific steps in a specific order are often required.  Depending on the action required, the only way of achieving this level of custom automation is by using an API or an SDK where the user has complete control over every step in the process.  From a customer perspective, some typical API and SDK use cases are:

  • Retrieve information about an entity owned by a specific system.  On the Nutanix Cloud Platform, this includes virtual machines, disk images, storage containers and overall cluster configuration.  These are typically GET requests.
  • Create an entity on a managed system.  On the Nutanix Cloud Platform, this includes the creation of a managed entity such as a disk image, virtual machine or Nutanix Flow network security policy.  These are typically POST requests.
  • Update or change a managed entity.  On the Nutanix Cloud Platform, this includes the modification of cluster configuration and alteration of a managed entity’s configuration such as a disk image or virtual machine.  These are typically PUT requests.
  • Language-specific SDKs for integration of the Nutanix Cloud Platform into an existing environment or the integration of a third party system into the Nutanix Cloud Platform.

Nutanix v4 API and SDK Features

The Nutanix v4 APIs include these significant features.

  • Language-specific SDKs.  Python, Go, Java and JavaScript are supported in the initial EA and RC release.
  • OData-compliant resource filtering.  Provides the ability to quickly find a specific resource instance without the need to send multiple requests that then require client-side processing.
  • Result sorting.  Provides the ability to specify a sort key during list requests.  For example, a list of Prism Central disk images could be sorted by size (bytes).
  • Improved exception handling with more meaningful error messages.
  • A new developer portal covering all supported languages and endpoints.
  • API versioning support.
  • Request idempotency via Ntnx-Request-Id header.  Provides the ability to ensure a request is not duplicated or run more than once.  This is done by providing a UUID-formatted header as Ntnx-Request-Id.  Required for REST APIs only.
  • Resource Etag via If-Match header.  This ensures mid-air collisions are avoided by providing resource-specific versions.  In the event two API consumers modify the same resource, the first request will alter the resource Etag.  The next user must request the resource’s new Etag and details before submitting their own update request.
  • Selection Projection.  Currently supported by v4 Storage APIs.  Controls which fields of an entity are displayed in the response.  APIs generally return a default set of fields on a GET request.  Selection Projection allows the user to specify a subset of fields to be returned, thereby decreasing response time and payload size.

Software Requirements


Where possible, Nutanix recommends using the Nutanix v4 APIs via the new language-specific SDKs, depending on language support.  Getting Started describes support languages.  The v4 SDKs relieve the user of many manual actions through abstraction, resulting in a more streamlined experience.  For example, the SDKs remove the need to manually manage the following actions.

  • Connection between clients and Prism Central.  When writing custom connection methods, Python developers often do this using the requests library.
  • Authentication.  The Nutanix v4 SDKs remove the need for you to create authentication methods in your code.  Python developers might do this using the HTTPBasicAuth or base64.b64encode libraries.
  • Custom exception handling.  The v4 SDKs provide meaningful error information in the event of an invalid request or other problem while submitting a request.

In addition, to avoid the manual steps above, the Nutanix v4 SDKs create responses and accept user payloads that are based on fluent, action-relevant information.

For example, the SDK action  RecommendationsApi.get_recommendations accepts an instance of RecommendationSpec.  Compared to manually-created JSON payloads, this can be a significantly smoother experience.

However, Nutanix v4 APIs may need to be consumed via HTTP endpoints in situations where an official SDK is not available.  When using HTTP endpoints the above actions must be manually managed; this guide demonstrates both approaches.

Supported Languages and SDKs

The following languages have supported SDKs.

  • Python (3.6, 3.7, 3.8 are supported)
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript

Nutanix SDK Repository Reference

If your development requirements are not covered by the languages listed above, the Nutanix APIs will need to be consumed via HTTP endpoints.

Request Requirements

The Nutanix v4 Python SDKs are named as follows:


Throughout this guide code samples reference the “vmm” namespace “ntnx_vmm_py_client”.  The “vmm” namespace exposes operations on entities such as Prism Central virtual machines, images, placement policies and rate limits.  Namespaces required for different operations will need to be installed and referenced individually.  See for information on currently available public Nutanix SDKs.

Getting Started with v4 APIs

As a first step, Nutanix recommends deciding how you will consume the v4 APIs.  This will be directly via an HTTP endpoint or the new language-specific SDKs.

Configuring Your Python Development Environment

With Python chosen as the base language for all code samples through this guide, the following steps demonstrate how to configure a demo development environment.

You can skip this section if you are already familiar with Python development environment setup, or if you have a preferred alternative method.

Creating a Virtual Environment with "venv" and Linux or Mac OS X Bash Terminal

					# verify python binary location and version
which python
# returns `python` path e.g. /usr/bin/python
python --version
# returns Python version.  Python 3 versions 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 are fully tested and supported
# create a working directory for demo code
mkdir -p ~/nutanix/api/v4
cd ~/nutanix/api/v4
# create and activate a Python 3 virtual environment
# alter the `python` path if necessary
# demo virtual environment will be named `venv`
python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
# verify python binary location again
# this will be different withthe  virtual environment activated
which python
# returns `python` path e.g. /home/username/nutanix/api/v4/venv/bin/python

Create a `pip` requirements.txt file

It is standard practice when using Python to create a special requirements.txt file.  This file specifies the Python libraries and their versions that are required for a script to run correctly.  In your demo directory, create a requirements.txt containing the following specifications.

					# create `requirements.txt` file
touch requirements.txt
cat <<EOF > requirements.txt

Installing Requirements

With the `requirements.txt` file created as per our requirements, the script dependencies (requirements) can be installed as follows.

					# install script requirements from `requirements.txt`
pip install -r requirements.txt

Verifying Installation

Using the Python REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) we can now verify if the Nutanix v4 VMM SDK was installed correctly.  This demo shows the use of Python version 3.10.8 although the supported versions (3.6, 3.7 and 3.8) should be used in production environments.

Preparing Your Python Environment

To use this guide’s Python code snippets, some preparation is required.  Nutanix recommends all users initiate the testing environment by running the script below.  This script will import the Nutanix v4 SDKs used throughout this guide and instantiate a number of instances that will be used during SDK and API snippets.

					# common modules
import urllib3

# alter these values to match your environment
# required for both SDKs and APIs
prism_central_ip_address = ""
prism_central_username = "admin"
prism_central_password = "password"

setup testing environment for the Nutanix v4 SDKs

# import the Nutanix v4 `vmm` SDK
import ntnx_vmm_py_client

# import the configuration module that manages IP address, username and password information
# to avoid name collisions, each Nutanix v4 SDK module will be imported with dedicated names
from ntnx_vmm_py_client import Configuration as VMMConfiguration

# import the configuration module that manages the API client
# to avoid name collisions, each Nutanix v4 SDK module will be imported with dedicated names
# additional namespaces will need to be imported for different tasks
# see for a complete list of available Python SDK namespaces
from ntnx_vmm_py_client import ApiClient as VMMClient

# instantiate our demo environment's SDK configuration
config = VMMConfiguration() = prism_central_ip_address
config.username = prism_central_username
config.password = prism_central_password

# optional; disable SSL certificate verification and warnings
config.verify_ssl = False

# create the client
api_client = VMMClient(configuration=config)

setup testing environment for the Nutanix v4 SDKs

import json
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

# setup HTTP basic authentication
prism_central_auth = HTTPBasicAuth(prism_central_username, prism_central_password)


The Nutanix API provides authentication through HTTP Basic Authentication only.

Depending on the type of action being performed, the following account type will be required.

  • Read actions. These actions typically do not need administrator privileges. For example, retrieving cluster information or VM details.
  • Create, update or delete actions usually require administrative permissions.  For example, creating a virtual machine or updating an image.
Regardless of the action being performed, Nutanix recommends doing so with a dedicated user account versus the built-in “admin” account.

Authentication: Python SDK

The following code snippet demonstrates authentication using the Python SDK library.

					# import required libraries, including Nutanix v4 Python VMM SDK
import ntnx_vmm_py_client
from ntnx_vmm_py_client import ApiClient as VMMClient
from ntnx_vmm_py_client import Configuration as VMMConfiguration

config = VMMConfiguration() = "prism_central_ip_or_fqdn"
config.username  = "prism_central_username"
config.password = "prism_central_password"
# useful during testing, not recommended in production environments
config.verify_ssl = False


Authentication: Python requests Library (HTTP Basic Authentication)

The following code snippet demonstrates the use of HTTP basic authentication with the Python requests library.  This is identical to using HTTP basic authentication via HTTPBasicAuth with any other API that supports it.

					# import required libraries; with Python requests libraries and HTTP endpoints we won't be using the SDK in this example
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

# create HTTP basic authentication instance
# this is identical to using HTTP basic authentication with any other API that supports it
prism_central_auth = HTTPBasicAuth("prism_central_username", "prism_central_password")


The Nutanix v4 APIs and SDKs offer simple requests for the management of various actions.

HTTP POST, PUT and DELETE requests must be submitted with an accompanying JSON payload.  This payload includes details about the action to be performed.  This JSON payload is an example of creating a Prism Central image using the v4 REST APIs.

For this demo, we’ll build on the previously described snippets and create a request to list all Prism Central images.

Requests: Python SDK (List Images)

This example shows the use of the async_req=False parameter.  Setting this parameter to False means Python will wait for the request to complete before returning to script or command execution.

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 SDK code snippet to request a list of Prism Central images
api_client = VMMClient(configuration=config)
api_instance = ntnx_vmm_py_client.api.ImagesApi(api_client=api_client)
images_list = api_instance.get_images_list(async_req=False)
# print the number of found images
# in our demo cluster this results in the response "11"
# the number of images in your response will be different

Requests: Python `requests` Library (List Images)

Before continuing with the following Python “requests” code samples, ensure you have configured your environment as per “Configuring Your Python Development Environment”.  This includes preparing your credentials for use with HTTP Basic Authentication.

This example shows the use of the Python requests library to generate a list of Prism Central images.

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 Python requests code snippet to request a list of Prism Central images

# set the Nutanix v4 API URL that will be used for this request
endpoint = "https://prism_central_ip_or_fqdn:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images"

# send the request, ignoring SSL verification errors
images_list = requests.get(endpoint, auth=prism_central_auth, verify=False)

# print the number of found images
# in this example the response is "11"


Responses from Nutanix v4 API and SDK requests differ slightly based on the method chosen.  At the core of all responses, however, is almost identical data that can be used to either display information or make a decision regarding what the next action will be.

Note: The code snippets in this section are for demonstration purposes only and will require additional steps before use.  See “Using Etag and If-Match headers with Nutanix v4 APIs” for more information.

Responses: Python SDK (List Images)

The Nutanix v4 Python SDK will return specific response types depending on the type of request.  This code snippet demonstrates a number of different response types, based on the type of request that has been submitted.

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 SDK code snippets to look at various Images API response types

# assumes a list of Prism Central images is available as `images_list`
print(f"Images list is type {type(images_list)}.")
# returns "Images list is type <class 'ntnx_vmm_py_client.Ntnx.vmm.v4.images.ImageListApiResponse.ImageListApiResponse'>."

# assumes an image has been created and the result is available as `image_create`
print(f"Image creation result type is type {type(image_create)}.")
# returns "Image creation result type is type <class 'ntnx_vmm_py_client.Ntnx.vmm.v4.images.ImagesTaskApiResponse.ImagesTaskApiResponse'>."

# get an existing image first
# assumes a list of Prism Central images is available as `images_list`
existing_image = api_instance.get_image_by_ext_id([0].ext_id)
print(f"Existing image result type is {type(existing_image)}.")
# returns "Existing image result type is type <class 'ntnx_vmm_py_client.Ntnx.vmm.v4.images.ImageApiResponse.ImageApiResponse'>."

From the previous code snippet:

Responses: Python SDK Images List Parsing

After using the Nutanix v4 Python SDKs to obtain a list of Prism Central images, the ntnx_vmm_py_client.Ntnx.vmm.v4.images.ImageApiResponse.ImageApiResponse instance can be iterated as follows.

Responses: Python `requests` Library (List Images)

Similar to previous Nutanix APIs, the Nutanix v4 REST APIs will return standards-compliant JSON when used via HTTP endpoint.

The example below shows a request to get the details of a specific Prism Central image.

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 Python requests code snippet to get details of a Prism Central image

# set the Nutanix v4 API URL that will be used for this request
# replace image_extid with the ext_id of an image in your environment
endpoint = "https://prism_central_ip_address_or_fqdn:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images/image_extid"

image_details = requests.get(endpoint, auth=prism_central_auth, verify=False)

# use the json() method to print the image details
# example response shown below
{'$dataItemDiscriminator': 'vmm.v4.images.Image', 'data': {'sizeBytes': 8589934592, '$sourceItemDiscriminator': 'vmm.v4.images.UrlSource', 'source': {'url': '', 'allowInsecure': False, '$reserved': {'$fqObjectType': 'vmm.v4.r0.a1.images.UrlSource'}, '$objectType': 'vmm.v4.images.UrlSource'}, '$reserved': {'$fqObjectType': 'vmm.v4.r0.a1.images.Image'}, '$objectType': 'vmm.v4.images.Image', 'extId': 'image_extid', 'name': 'CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-2003.qcow2', 'type': 'DISK_IMAGE'}, 'metadata': {'flags': [{'name': 'hasError', 'value': False, '$reserved': {'$fqObjectType': 'common.v1.r0.a3.config.Flag'}, '$objectType': 'common.v1.config.Flag'}, {'name': 'isPaginated', 'value': False, '$reserved': {'$fqObjectType': 'common.v1.r0.a3.config.Flag'}, '$objectType': 'common.v1.config.Flag'}], 'links': [{'href': 'https://prism_central_ip_address_or_fqdn:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images/image_extid/categories', 'rel': 'image-categories', '$reserved': {'$fqObjectType': 'common.v1.r0.a3.response.ApiLink'}, '$objectType': 'common.v1.response.ApiLink'}, {'href': 'https://prism_central_ip_address_or_fqdn:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images/image_extid/cluster-locations', 'rel': 'image-cluster-locations', '$reserved': {'$fqObjectType': 'common.v1.r0.a3.response.ApiLink'}, '$objectType': 'common.v1.response.ApiLink'}, {'href': 'https://prism_central_ip_address_or_fqdn:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images/image_extid/placement-policies', 'rel': 'image-placement-policies', '$reserved': {'$fqObjectType': 'common.v1.r0.a3.response.ApiLink'}, '$objectType': 'common.v1.response.ApiLink'}], '$reserved': {'$fqObjectType': 'common.v1.r0.a3.response.ApiResponseMetadata'}, '$objectType': 'common.v1.response.ApiResponseMetadata'}, '$reserved': {'$fqObjectType': 'vmm.v4.r0.a1.images.ImageApiResponse'}, '$objectType': 'vmm.v4.images.ImageApiResponse'}
					# get a list of images, if not already done
image_list = vmm_instance.get_images_list(async_req=False)
# get information about the type of iterator to use
# returns <class 'list'>

# with 'list' type obtained, check for results and print
# the name of the first image
if len( > 0:
    print(f"Image name: {[0].name}")

# returns each image’s name
# this list is specific to the user’s Prism Central environment
# Image name: centos7minimal_test - Updated

					# get a list of images, if not already done
image_list = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=10)

# get information about the type of response
# returns class 'requests.models.Response'>

# get information about the type of iterator to use
# returns <class 'list'>

# with 'list' type obtained, check for results and print
# the name of the first image
if len( > 0:
    print(f"Image name: {[0].name}")

# returns each image’s name
# this list is specific to the user’s Prism Central environment
# Image name: centos7minimal_test - Updated


Responses: Python `requests` Library Images List Parsing

After using the Nutanix v4 REST APIs to obtain a JSON-formatted list of Prism Central images, the `requests.models.Response` instance can be parsed as follows.

How To Use New v4 API Features

OData Support and Compliance


OData (Open Data Protocol) is an ISO/IEC approved OASIS standard that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful APIs. OData enables REST-based services having resources identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) which provides intuitive and efficient retrieval of data. It allows users to discover and navigate through data sets using standard HTTP calls.

System Query Options

Odata specifications provide system query options which are query string parameters that control the amount and order of the data returned for the resource identified by the URL. The names of all system query options are prefixed with a dollar ($) character.

Nutanix v4 APIs support the following system query options.

  1. $select  (currently supported by v4 storage APIs only)
  2. $filter
  3. $orderby

All the system query options are explained with examples using the following example schema.

The schema has the following models.

  • Vm : This model comprises attributes which describe a Virtual Machine. 
  • Disk : This model comprises attributes of a disk of a VM.
  • Gpu : This model comprises attributes of a GPU of a VM.
OASIS Schema Example

Relationship between the models

  • VM and disk have One-to-Many relation: a VM can have multiple disks.
  • VM and GPU have One-to-Many relation: a VM can have multiple GPUs.
Resource Filtering

The $filter system query option allows clients to filter a collection of resources that are addressed by a request URL. The expression specified with $filter is evaluated for each resource in the collection, and only items where the expression evaluates to true are included in the response. Resources for which the expression evaluates to false or to null, or which reference properties that are unavailable due to permissions, are omitted from the response.

The following operations are supported with $filter.

Logical Operator
Operation OData Operator Examples
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=name eq 'api_v4'
Not Equals
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=name ne 'api_v4'
Greater Than
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=numSockets gt 10
Greater Than or Equal
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=numSockets ge 21
Less Than
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=numSockets lt 20
Less Than or Equal
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=numSockets le 22
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=numSockets eq 1 and name eq 'api_v4'
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=numSockets eq 1 or numSockets eq 22
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=not startswith(name, 'pc')
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=name in ('test_1')
String Method
Operation OData Method Examples Description
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=contains(name, 'test')
Returns VMs in which name value contains the string 'test'
Starts With
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=startswith(name, 'a')
Returns VMs in which the name value starts with the string 'a'
Ends With
https://{{pc_ip}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/ahv/config/vms?$filter=endswith(name, '1')
Returns VMs in which the name value ends with the string '1'
Resource filtering: Lambda Functions

Lambda functions are applied on a property which is of array type. Nutanix v4 APIs support only lambda ‘any’ operator. The “any” operator applies a boolean expression for each member of a collection.  It returns true if and only if the expression is true for any member of the collection, otherwise it returns false. A lambda expression is made up of lambda literal which can be any allowed ASCII character.

Consider the following scenario.

  • Administrator runs a cluster providing a large number of disk images
  • Requirement indicates a specific disk image needs to be found on the cluster in order to get information about that disk image
  • Administrator does not know the disk image’s unique identifier (ext_id)
  • Administrator does know part of the disk image’s name: fileserver_

OData filtering allows the administrator to send an image list request containing a filter.  That filter can specify the request should only return images matching a certain pattern.  In this example, images with a name starting with fileserver_.

Resource filtering by name: Python SDK

This script snippet shows a Nutanix v4 SDK image list request including the filter parameter.

Note: This snippet builds on previous snippets and assumes the SDK has already been initialized.

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 Python requests code snippet to list images with OData filter

api_client = VMMClient(configuration=config)
api_instance = ntnx_vmm_py_client.api.ImagesApi(api_client=api_client)

# request images list, filtering by name
images_list_with_filter = api_instance.get_images_list(_filter="startswith(name, 'fileserver_')")
Resource filtering by name: Python `requests` Library

The script snippet below shows the same request but using the Python requests library.  Note the query string added to the images list HTTP endpoint.

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 Python requests code snippet to list images with OData filter

# set the Nutanix v4 API URL that will be used for this request
endpoint = "https://prism_central_ip_address_or_fqdn:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images?$filter=startswith(name, 'fileserver_')"

images_list_with_filter = requests.get(endpoint, auth=prism_central_auth, verify=False)

# use the json() method to print the image details
Sorting and Limiting

The Nutanix v4 APIs support OData-compliant resource sorting and limiting.  The $orderby system query option allows clients to request resources in ascending (default) or descending order.

Consider the following scenario.

  • Administrator runs a cluster providing a large number of disk images
  • Requirement indicates listing a specific number of images but that list should be sorted by name

OData filtering allows the administrator to send an image list request containing a filter.  That filter can specify the request should return a maximum of “n” images, sorted by name.

Sorting and limiting: Python SDK

The script snippet below shows a Nutanix v4 SDK image list request including filter parameters.  These filters will order disk images by name and return a maximum of 3 images.

Note: This snippet builds on previous snippets and assumes the SDK has already been initialised.

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 Python requests code snippet to list a maximum of 3 images, sorted by name

api_client = VMMClient(configuration=config)
api_instance = ntnx_vmm_py_client.api.ImagesApi(api_client=api_client)

# request images list, sorted by name with a maximum of 3 images returned
images_list_filtered_limited = api_instance.get_images_list(_orderby="name asc", _limit=3)

# show number of images returned by the request
print(f"Images found: {len(}")

# with 'list' type obtained, check for results and print
# the name of the first image
if len( > 0:
    print(f"Image name: {[0].name}")

# the demo environment returns the following, commented for script safety
# Image name: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-2003.qcow2
Sorting and limiting: Python `requests` Library

The script snippet below shows the same request but using the Python requests library.  Note the query string added to the images list HTTP endpoint.

Note these URL querystring parameters: ?$limit=3&orderby=name

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 Python requests code snippet to list a maximum of 3 images, sorted by name

# set the Nutanix v4 API URL that will be used for this request
endpoint = "https://prism_central_ip_address_or_fqdn:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images?$limit=3&$orderby=name"

images_list_filtered_limited = requests.get(endpoint, auth=prism_central_auth, verify=False)

# use the json() method to print the image details

# show how many images were found
print(f"Images found: {len(images_list_filtered_limited.json()['data'])}")

# iterate over the images, showing each name
for image in images_list_filtered_limited.json()["data"]:
    print(f"Image name: {image['name']}")

# the demo environment returns the following, commented for script safety
# Image name: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-2003.qcow2
# Image name: CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-2207-02.iso
# Image name: image_58a33846-6bb2-11ed-abd5-50ebf677b790
Selection Projection using $select

The $select system query option allows clients to request a specific set of properties for each entity or complex type.  Selection projection is currently supported by the v4 storage APIs only.


Operation URL
Returns results a list of storage container names only
Returns results which has storage container name and extId
Returns storage container name, extId and replication factor

The Nutanix v4 APIs have Pagination support.  When exposing large data sets through a list API, pagination is used to provide a mechanism to paginate a list of resources. Pagination can be achieved using:

  • $page
  • $limit
Parameter Type Description Example
The page or offset from where resources will be fetched in the list
The limit of resources to be fetched from the given offset

Note: Pagination uses a zero-based index. The formula to use to see which elements are returned in the list given a page and limit is the following.

					starting index = page * limit
ending index = (limit * (page+1)) -1

Request Idempotency

To ensure each API request is only carried out once, the Nutanix v4 APIs now implement standard request headers, identified by the Ntnx-Request-Id header.  The Ntnx-Request-Id header is mandatory on all POST, PUT and DELETE requests.

NTNX-Request-Id is a unique identifier associated with each request. The provided value must be opaque and preferably in Universal Unique Identifier(UUID) format. This identifier is also used as an idempotence token for safely retrying requests in case of network errors. All the supported Nutanix v4 SDKs add this auto-generated request identifier to each request.

The method used to specify custom headers will vary depending on the API client.  Using Postman, however, an example is shown below.

For a complete explanation and demonstration of Ntnx-Request-Id header usage, see the article titled Using Request Id Headers with Nutanix v4 APIs.

Request Idempotency: Nutanix v4 SDKs

Note: The Nutanix v4 SDKs handle the Ntnx-Request-Id header automatically.  Users should not manually add or specify the Ntnx-Request-Id header when using the Nutanix v4 SDKs.

Resource Etag

In the event of multiple users updating the same resource, it is possible for those updates to clash.  This situation is known as a mid-air collision and results in incorrect or unknown results as the resource’s configuration is not as expected.

To prevent this, the Nutanix v4 APIs now implement standard Etags, submitted via If-Match request headers.  The Etag header is mandatory for all operations on existing entities and helps to eliminate the possibility of a mid-air collision.

Consider the following scenario.

  • Administrator needs to update an existing disk image
  • Administrator knows the ext_id of the existing disk image
  • To prevent a mid-air collision, the disk image must be updated whilst specifying the image’s current Etag as the value of the If-Match header

To complete this process, the steps are as follows.

  1. Request the existing image:
    1. Python SDK (assuming API instances are already setup as per previous snippets):  api_instance.api.get_image_by_ext_id(image_ext_id: str)
    2. REST APIs: GET https://{{prism_central_ip_address_or_fqdn}}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images/{{image_extid}}
  2. Obtain the image’s Etag via the response headers:
    1. Python SDK Etag property: print(["ETag"])
    2. REST API Etag header: print(existing_image.headers["Etag"])
  3. Generate image update request, using previously obtained Etag as the value of the If-Match header

Note: The code snippets in this section are for demonstration purposes only and will require additional steps before use.

Resource ETag: Python SDK

The following snippet uses the Nutanix v4 Python SDK to obtain an existing image by ext_id, then obtain the image’s Etag from the response.

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 SDK code snippets to obtain an existing image's Etag

# get the existing image details
# replace ext_id with the ext_id of your image
existing_image = api_instance.get_image_by_ext_id("ext_id")

# show the existing image's Etag

Resource ETag: Python `requests` Library

The following snippet uses the Python requests library to obtain an existing image by ext_id, then obtaining the image’s Etag from the response.

					# build on the previous Nutanix v4 Python requests code snippet to obtain an existing image's Etag

# set the Nutanix v4 API URL that will be used for this request
# replace ext_id with the ext_id of your image
endpoint = "https://prism_central_ip_address_or_fqdn:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images/ext_id"

# get the existing image details
existing_image = requests.get(endpoint, auth=prism_central_auth, verify=False)

# show the existing image's Etag


Complete Code Samples: Request Idempotency and Resource Etag

These code samples demonstrate Prism Central image updates with end-to-end usage of the Nutanix v4 REST APIs and Python SDKs.  Before using these code samples, ensure your Python environment is configured as per “Configuring Your Python Environment”.

Note: These code samples assume there is at least one existing image in the configured Prism Central environment.

Both code samples can be downloaded from the Nutanixdev GitHub:

Update Prism Central image with Resource Etag: Nutanix Python SDK

This complete code sample uses the Nutanix v4 Python SDKs and resource Etag to update an existing Prism Central image.

This code sample can be run using the following syntax:

					python <filename>.py <prism_central_ip_or_fqdn> <prism_central_username>
Use the Nutanix v4 SDKs to update a Prism Central image

import getpass
import argparse
import urllib3
import sys

import ntnx_vmm_py_client
from ntnx_vmm_py_client import ApiClient as VMMClient
from ntnx_vmm_py_client import Configuration as VMMConfiguration
from import ApiException as VMMException

suppress warnings about insecure connections
consider the security implications before
doing this in a production environment

setup the command line parameters
for this example only two parameters are required
- the Prism Central IP address or FQDN
- the Prism Central username; the script will prompt for the user's password
  so that it never needs to be stored in plain text
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("pc_ip", help="Prism Central IP address or FQDN")
parser.add_argument("username", help="Prism Central username")
args = parser.parse_args()

# get the cluster password
cluster_password = getpass.getpass(
    prompt="Enter your Prism Central \
password: ",

pc_ip = args.pc_ip
username = args.username

# make sure the user enters a password
if not cluster_password:
    while not cluster_password:
            "Password cannot be empty.  \
Enter a password or Ctrl-C/Ctrl-D to exit."
        cluster_password = getpass.getpass(
            prompt="Enter your Prism Central password: ", stream=None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = VMMConfiguration() = pc_ip
    config.username = username
    config.password = cluster_password
    # known issue in pc.2022.6 that ignores this setting
    config.max_retry_attempts = 1
    config.backoff_factor = 3
    config.verify_ssl = False

        api_client = VMMClient(configuration=config)
        api_instance = ntnx_vmm_py_client.api.ImagesApi(api_client=api_client)
        # get a list of existing images
        images_list = api_instance.get_images_list()
        if images_list.metadata.total_available_results > 0:
                f"Images found: {len(}"
            print("No images found.")

        # images have been found - update the first image in the list
        # to begin, we must retrieve that image's details
        existing_image = api_instance.get_image_by_ext_id([0].ext_id)

        # get the existing image's Etag
        existing_image_etag =["ETag"]

        # create a new Prism Central image instance
        new_image = ntnx_vmm_py_client.Ntnx.vmm.v4.images.Image.Image() = = f"{} - Updated"
        new_image.type =

        # add the existing image's Etag as a new request header
        api_client.add_default_header(header_name="If-Match", header_value=existing_image_etag)

        # update the image using a synchronous request (will wait until completion before returning)
        image_update = api_instance.update_image_by_ext_id(body=new_image,, async_req=False)

    except VMMException as e:
            f"Unable to authenticate using the supplied credentials.  \
Check your username and/or password, then try again.  \
Exception details: {e}"


Update Prism Central image with request idempotency and resource Etag: Python `requests` Library

Use the Nutanix v4 SDKs to update a Prism Central image

import getpass
import argparse
import urllib3
import sys

import ntnx_vmm_py_client
from ntnx_vmm_py_client import ApiClient as VMMClient
from ntnx_vmm_py_client import Configuration as VMMConfiguration
from import ApiException as VMMException

suppress warnings about insecure connections
consider the security implications before
doing this in a production environment

setup the command line parameters
for this example only two parameters are required
- the Prism Central IP address or FQDN
- the Prism Central username; the script will prompt for the user's password
  so that it never needs to be stored in plain text
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("pc_ip", help="Prism Central IP address or FQDN")
parser.add_argument("username", help="Prism Central username")
args = parser.parse_args()

# get the cluster password
cluster_password = getpass.getpass(
    prompt="Enter your Prism Central \
password: ",

pc_ip = args.pc_ip
username = args.username

# make sure the user enters a password
if not cluster_password:
    while not cluster_password:
            "Password cannot be empty.  \
Enter a password or Ctrl-C/Ctrl-D to exit."
        cluster_password = getpass.getpass(
            prompt="Enter your Prism Central password: ", stream=None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = VMMConfiguration() = pc_ip
    config.username = username
    config.password = cluster_password
    # known issue in pc.2022.6 that ignores this setting
    config.max_retry_attempts = 1
    config.backoff_factor = 3
    config.verify_ssl = False

        api_client = VMMClient(configuration=config)
        api_instance = ntnx_vmm_py_client.api.ImagesApi(api_client=api_client)
        # get a list of existing images
        images_list = api_instance.get_images_list()
        if images_list.metadata.total_available_results > 0:
                f"Images found: {len(}"
            print("No images found.")

        # images have been found - update the first image in the list
        # to begin, we must retrieve that image's details
        existing_image = api_instance.get_image_by_ext_id([0].ext_id)

        # get the existing image's Etag
        existing_image_etag =["ETag"]

        # create a new Prism Central image instance
        new_image = ntnx_vmm_py_client.Ntnx.vmm.v4.images.Image.Image() = = f"{} - Updated"
        new_image.type =

        # add the existing image's Etag as a new request header
        api_client.add_default_header(header_name="If-Match", header_value=existing_image_etag)

        # update the image using a synchronous request (will wait until completion before returning)
        image_update = api_instance.update_image_by_ext_id(body=new_image,, async_req=False)

    except VMMException as e:
            f"Unable to authenticate using the supplied credentials.  \
Check your username and/or password, then try again.  \
Exception details: {e}"


This complete code snippet uses the Nutanix v4 REST APIs, Python requests library, request idempotency and resource Etag to update an existing Prism Central image.

This code sample can be run using the following syntax:

					python <filename>.py <prism_central_ip_or_fqdn> <prism_central_username>

Set <filename>, <prism_central_ip_or_fqdn> and <prism_central_username> to values appropriate for your environment.

Use the Nutanix v4 REST APIs to update a Prism Central image

import requests
import urllib3
import getpass
import argparse
import uuid
import json
import sys
from base64 import b64encode

suppress warnings about insecure connections
consider the security implications before doing this in a production environment

setup the command line parameters
for this example only two parameters are required
- the Prism Central IP address or FQDN
- the Prism Central username; the script will prompt for the user's password
  so that it never needs to be stored in plain text
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("pc_ip", help="Prism Central IP address or FQDN")
parser.add_argument("username", help="Prism Central username")
args = parser.parse_args()

# get the cluster password
cluster_password = getpass.getpass(
    prompt="Enter your Prism Central \
password: ",

pc_ip = args.pc_ip
username = args.username

# make sure the user enters a password
if not cluster_password:
    while not cluster_password:
            "Password cannot be empty. Enter a password or Ctrl-C/Ctrl-D to exit."
        cluster_password = getpass.getpass(
            prompt="Enter your Prism Central password: ", stream=None


    setup the HTTP Basic Authorization header based on the
    supplied username and password
    encoded_credentials = b64encode(
        bytes(f"{username}:{cluster_password}", encoding="ascii")
    auth_header = f"Basic {encoded_credentials}"
    # setup the URL that will be used for the API request
    url = f"https://{pc_ip}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images"

    setup the request headers
    note the use of {auth_header} i.e. the Basic Authorization
    credentials we setup earlier
    headers = {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Authorization": f"{auth_header}",
        "cache-control": "no-cache",
    # submit the request
        response = requests.request(
            "GET", url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=10
        if response.ok:
            # show a total count of images found
                f'Total images found: {response.json()["metadata"]["totalAvailableResults"]}'
            print(f"An error occurred while connecting to {pc_ip}.")
            the following line can be uncommented to show
            detailed error information

        # images have been found - update the first image in the list
        # to begin, we must retrieve that image's details
        existing_image_ext_id = response.json()["data"][0]["extId"]
        # get the existing image details
        url = f"https://{pc_ip}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images/{existing_image_ext_id}"
        existing_image = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=10)

        # get the existing image's resource Etag
        existing_image_etag = existing_image.headers["Etag"]

        # create a new UUID to be used as the value of the Ntnx-Request-Id header
        request_id = str(uuid.uuid1())

        # create new headers that include the existing image's resource Etag and Ntnx-Request-Id
        headers = {
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": f"{auth_header}",
            "cache-control": "no-cache",
            "If-Match": existing_image_etag,
            "Ntnx-Request-Id": request_id,

        # create the image update's JSON request payload
        update_payload = existing_image.json()["data"]

        # alter the image's name
        update_payload["name"] = f'{update_payload["name"]} - Updated'

        # update the image
        url = f"https://{pc_ip}:9440/api/vmm/v4.0.a1/images/{existing_image_ext_id}"
        update = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(update_payload), verify=False, timeout=10)

    except Exception as ex:
            f"An {type(ex).__name__} exception occurred while \
              connecting to {pc_ip}.\nArgument: {ex.args}."

# catching all exceptions like this should be generally be avoided
except Exception as e:



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    Nutanix, Inc.
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