Nutanix v4 API Versioning Scheme

This page describes the Nutanix v4 API versioning scheme and types.

All APIs at Nutanix follow a semantic versioning scheme. In this scheme, Nutanix follows these conventions:

  1. Use two digits to identify API versions prefixed with a version string ‘v’, for example, v4.0.[a1].
  2. Given a two-part version number vFamily.Revision.[Type], the Family represents a major version of the API, and the Revision represents the minor version. The Type is an optional field associated with an API version (see API Types below). Production APIs do not have this Type field present in the version string.

The versioning implies the following:

  1. Two distinct API namespace families may not have any compatibility in structure, performance, or representation for any other API endpoints. Typically Nutanix v4, legacy v1, v2.0 and v3 APIs are interoperable.  Interoperability restrictions will be documented on, as required.
  2. API and SDK client builds are  compatible with their respective and following AOS and Prism Central versions  API and SDK client versions together with earlier specific AOS and Prism Central versions and may not contain all latest features.

API Development Stages

APIs go through different stages of development, and a scalable API platform must recognize these differences and allow consumers and producers to go through these transitions in a predictable manner. Accordingly, three different API Stages are introduced with the following characteristics.

  1. Early Access (EA) v4 APIs – The following conditions apply to EA APIs:
      • The API may contain unknown bugs. Enabling the feature might expose bugs in related features.
      • EA APIs can be dropped or changed at any time without prior notice.
      • API may change in incompatible ways without notice. Multiple alpha versions at different revisions may or may not be compatible. The API family and revision imply no compatibility, and none should be assumed.
      • These APIs are not supported except for in the Nutanix support communities . If you need support or have questions, refer to the “How It Works” section of the Nutanix communities.
      • It is not recommended for production use. 
      • The Type attribute of an EA v4 API is set to a<n>(for example, v4.1.a1), where a represents the alpha version, and n is an integer that is incremented every time a new release of the EA v4 API occurs.
  1. Release Candidate (RC) v4 APIs – The following conditions apply to RC APIs:
      • RC v4 APIs are more stable than EA v4 APIs.
      • APIs have been tested to be backward compatible across all API revisions within the v4 family, except EA versions.
      • These APIs are not supported except for in the Nutanix support communities . If you need support or have questions, refer to the “How It Works” section of the Nutanix communities.
      • Further along the development process than the EA APIs, but not recommended for production use. 
      • The Type attribute of an RC v4 API is set to b<n> (for example, v4.1.b1), where ‘b’ represents the beta version and n is an integer that is incremented every time a new release of the RC v4 API occurs.
  2. Generally Available ( GA) v4 APIs – GA APIs are characterized as follows:
      • GA v4 APIs are available for production use and are officially supported. 
      • GA APIs are  backward compatible across all API versions within the v4 family, except EA versions.

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